Tuesday, December 31, 2013

its 2014, i am 20 years old but still hmmm yeahh

Assalamualaikum guys
 well its 2014 and i would like to wish happy new year to all of you
in the social medias people always post things such as 'what 2013 taught me' 'what i learnt from 2013'
but to me its just a day passing from 31th December to 1st January 
because every year i experienced almost the same thing
some sweet memories and some shits ahaha 
because that is life right?

Actually i'm having my finals now
that suppose to end on the 16th of December 
and you know what?
i am fucking homesick
hahahha i know it makes me sound like a sissy 
but that is the truth man
i really miss my friends back in negeri sembilan
plus now they are having they midsem break for TWO DAMN WEEKS man
they are enjoying themselves there
and i'm here stuck with book and stuffs +.+

and talk about being 20 
i'm still think that i'm still a immature guy that make stupid unhumourous jokes hahahah because age is just a number right?
and i still dont achieve something that i can be proud of after living for two decades in this world

Thursday, July 11, 2013


Assalamualaikum and happy ramadhan
today i would like to story mory about my UPU result
well UPU had just annouced its result this afternoon
and like any other  foundation, matriculation and stpm leavers
i was very exited about which university that i will go to continue my studies
at 12.34pm i finally can get through the official website because it yeah u know when there are about thousands of people try to access the site for sure it will hang.
But unfortunately i didn't get the course that i want
to be honest i'm hoping to continue my studies in TESL or counseling
but there is nothing that i can do,maybe UM,UITM and UPSI rejected me or maybe luck is not on my side
i  have to accept the fact that i'm destined to study in USM,
oh by the way USM offer me a degree in communication ahahha
and the best part is i dont know a shit about this communication thingy hahha

so USM just wait for Abam Paih arrival hahahhaha

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

last interview

assalamualaikum to my readers ( if there are any hahahha)
 i just attended my last interview at UPSI tanjun malim perak hahahha ( bajet x den nak speaking)
interview yang den pegi ni untuk kos tesl la seperti biasa
perjalanan bermula jam 7 pagi dan dengan kelajuan 100kmj menaiki kereta saga 1.3L abang den,
den sampai di upsi pada jam 11 pagi, dan interview den bermula jam 2 petang ahhah
semangat kan den sampai awal
tapi xpe den tunggu la jugak sampai kul 2 petang
dalam pukul 1.30 camtu den pon dengan penuh bertenaga tukar baju kemeja dan blazer hahahha
tapi x lama den pakai blazer sbb paneh bona hhahha kang bukan ketiak jo basah satu badan den mandi peluh kang
duduk punya duduk akhirnya sampai la turn den nak di temuduga
dengan penuh konfiden den duduk
macam biasa la perkenalkan diri
den pon perkenalkan, sebaik jo den cakap den minat moto bosa
terus die tanya siapakah pelumba kegemaran anda
hahhahahha kompom la den jawab Danny Pedrosa
pastu die tanya den the 8 part of speech hahahah
part ni den fail
memang den x ingat la kan benda grammar ni,
tapi xpe dengan penuh konfiden den jawab walaupun den tau x berapa betul
nak dijadikan cerita rupanya salah sorang penemuduga tu orang kampung den ahhahha
habis sumo namo ayah mak den ditanyo ea hahhaha

as a conclusion i can say that the interview went well ehheheheeh

Thursday, May 16, 2013

cuti panjaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang

assalamualaikum dan salam satu malaysia
dengan ini saya Muhamad Faiz bin Kamarudin telah menamatkan pengajian asasi tesl di uitm melaka
woots woots ahhahaha
den sekarang ni da jadi bekas pelajar uitm melaka
semua da jadi kenangan sekarang eeceeehh hahahha
but one thing for sure i won't be missing the place but i will miss the people
dan pada 9 mei 2013 telah keluarlah keputusan final exam den ari tu
xdo la gempak sangat sampai nak dapat Dean's List tapi boleh la cukup2 makan
ramai gak yang tanyo paih ko(kau) x kojo(kerja) ko(ke)
yang dalam bracket tu bahasa baku ea mana la tau ade yg x paham accent noghori ni kan hahah
den bukan ea maleh nak kojo tapi bak kato orang tu bz skit
sbb nak abiskan lesen ngan interview sume bagai
cakap pasal interview recently den ade pegi interview untuk ijazah sarjana muda komunikasi di wisma sejarah kat KL kowt den raso
interview ni untuk USM dan kebetulan pulak salah sorang member den iaitu jasfaizi jasni pon interview samo hahahha
bak kato orang putih what a coincidence hahhah
fuuuhhhhh maso den nmpk dio kat situ dio punyo pakaian full suit poik ahhahha
macam orang koperat da 

yang kanan tu den yg kiri tu la member den
yo den ngaku dio ensem skit dari den tapi
den ensem banyak hahahhahahah

the next day den ado lagi satu interview iaitu interview Medsi
sebona ea den pon xtau apo maksud medsi tu
tapi yg den tau medsi ni  nak tentukan sama ada calon ea sesuai jadi cikgu ke x
den dengan penuh semangat dan bertenaga menghadiri interview tu yang tempak ea kat upsi tanjung malim
hahhaha nampak x dari negeri sembilan pegi KL pastu terus ke tanjung malim
tapi demi menggapai cita2 menjadi guru ku teruskan jua hahha ( maaf kalau keterlaluan hahaha)
ado la kot gayi cikgu paih
sebolah ni gambar den masa sebelum interview ahahhaha
ensem kan hahha tapi abis jo interview tu terus den cabut an baju tu
sobab den memang x suko bona nak pakai baju kemeja ni
haaa sebolum den lupo den ado dapek satu laei interview 21 haribulan ni
interview untuk ijazah sarjana muda kaunseling kat UM
wish me luck guys assalamualaikum 

Monday, March 25, 2013


Assalamualaikum to fellow readers ( if there are readers?? ahha) ok da cukup speaking2 english ni, nnt orang cop den bajet lak.
x lamo laei berakhir lak status den sebagai seorang pelajar asasi TESL dan pelajam UITM lendu.
banyak bnde da den lalui kat sini.
sodih, suko, goli2 sumo ea ado la.
next week da nak final exam dan sebona ea den takut nak exam ni.
den asyik ulang cakap " i am afraid of my future"
yola den bukan ea pandai sangat.,
lagipown ado gak benda2 lain yg den risau an, antaro ea culture shock.
memang lak bak kata kawan den, den macam da nmpk macam2 tapi masih samo.
tapi kite xleh nak agak maso dopan ntah la takut den bilo pikir an maso dopan ni.
tapi xpo la pray for the best la, kalau ado rezeki ado la
bak kato albert einstein , life is like riding a bicycle, if you want to maintain your balance you need to go on.
raso ea da boleh den undur diri ni
nak tidur jap malam kang nak study skit2

assalamualaikum .

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


assalamualaikum guys it has been a long time since i posted anything here,
yeah one of the reasons is i 've been busy. Since the last post until today a lot had happened, one of them is i had received my muet result and thank god i got band 4. Even i cant believe that I can achieved that because my target was band 3 plus i wont be taking tesl for degree that is for sure.

why not tesl?
actually not because i dont like english but my grammar kind of sucks.
hahahha grammar is like chemistry during secondary school, it has a lot of laws for you to follow to makes sure you sentence is perfect. sorry miss siti ( my grammar lecturer)

Besides muet result other things had happened too. You know that UITM lendu had been on newspapers with the big title " UITM Lendu is haunted "hahahha i laughed when i read this on the newspaper. i laughed not because the content of that news but because the cover up UITM tried to make. they said that all this were rumors hahaaha rumors my ass. All those possessing things happened in front of my naked eyes and yet they thought all of it were rumors. Another thing that tickles me is during that incident, at that very moment everyone can see ghost. its not that i dont believe in them but.......... some of them are questionable. and here is another fact that supports my statement, when the hantu issue cool off nobody has even seen ghost anywhere. attention seekers maybe hahhaha

k got to go now because i have lots of assignment to accomplished.

(maap la kalau BI terabur, saje nak mencubo update blog dalam BI)